Actually Local

Lumière Ethereal Boutique

Our Local Spending

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Amount kept local in 2023


Amount kept local in the last 30 days


We genuinely care! By prioritizing local suppliers and keeping funds circulating within our community, we're doing our part to strengthen our local economy and champion hometown heroes. Supporting us means backing a brighter local future.

verified by WingZ

Meet Our Top Five Local Suppliers

Part of what makes us who we are is the fantastic local businesses thatsupply us. Allow us to introduce you to a few of them:
Business name
Juliette Fiszka
Leavenly Goods Bakery
Hongoro Design
Ivitza’s Sanctuary
Royan Immigration

Through verified data from WingZ, we proudly showcase our supplies sourced locally!

Every local purchase we make? It's not just a claim; it's backed by solid data. We're truly investing right here, in our neighborhood.
Learn more